高翊竣 Yi-Chun Kao
(24-; 17-24 LS phd; 16-17 LS ms)
Molecular and cellular biology
Extracellular vesicles in cancer progression
Role of ATP synthase in cell-cell communications
游佩蓁 Pei-Chen Yu
(18- MCB)
Molecular and cellular biology
Cancer research
Drug discovery for neuroblastoma
黃晨豪 Chen-Hao Huang
(19- BEBI)
Virtual screening for drug discovery
Single-cell RNA seq analysis
李蒔青 Shih-Ching Lee
(22- BEBI)
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology,
Department of Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
王詠翔 Yung-Hsiang Wang
(23- LS; 22-23 LS ms)
Cancer research
蘇意伊 Yi-Yi Su
(23- LS)
高永碩 Yung-Shuo Kao
(24- BEBI)
張家銘 Chia-Ming Chang
(23- LS)
single cell sequencing analysis
陳柏安 Po-An Chen
(23- LS)
曾鴻明 Harry
(23- BEBI)
Phuong-Uyen Nguyen-Hoang
(23- GSB)
陳品妤 Pin-Yu Chen
(23- MCB)
黃貞諭 Chen-Yu Huang
(24- LS)
楊閎翔 Hong-Shian Yang
(24- BEBI)
俞松林 Sung-Lin Yu
(24- LS)
馬敏絲 Min-Szu Ma
(24- LS)
鐘若綺 Jo-Chi Chung
(24- MCB)
Tiara Mustika Fanselly
(24- LS)
Single-cell omics
李弘之 Hong-Chih Lee
(22- LS)
胡凱捷 Kai-Jie Hu
(22- LS)
苑欣佑 Hsin-Yo Yuan
(23- BST)
(23- TFG 北一女中)
(24- TFG 北一女中)
曾子洋 Tzu-Yang Tseng
(23-; 22-23 BEBI ms; 19-22 LS bs)
Cancer research
Single cell analysis